Weekend 3 Recap

Over the third weekend, our fellows demo-ed their prototypes to the cohort during Prototype Feedback Day, developed their presentation and public speaking skills, and met inspiring leaders working in social impact tech.

  • Christina Luchkiw led workshops on how to prepare a presentation and conduct a design critique, preparing the fellows for a design critique the next day.

  • Aaron Hymoff led a deep-dive workshop on journey mapping, introducing the fellows to this useful tool for the “Ideation” phase of the human-centered design process.

  • At the Tech For All Panel, Marcello Bonatto (Co-founder, Re:Coded), Iva Gumnishka (Founder, Humans in the Loop), Patricia Letayf (Co-founder, Five One Labs), Louise Brosset (Global Community Coordinator, Techfugees), and Ryan Sturgill (Director, Gaza Sky Geeks) shared their perspectives on how to create tech that is more accessible and equitable to all—from focusing on education and employment, to helping entrepreneurs launch businesses and facilitating collaboration between innovators.

  • Jina Choi taught the fellows how to use critical thinking for problem-solving and decision-making, leading the group through several exercises, including a hypothetical case study and the 5 why’s technique.

  • Christina Luchkiw and Aaron Hymoff facilitated Prototype Feedback Day, during which the teams shared their prototypes for their human-centered design projects with the group and gave/receive feedback on each other’s projects.

  • Rusty Gaillard hosted a masterclass on public speaking, leaving the fellows with 3 keys to effective and powerful public speaking.


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Meet Ryan Sturgill